About Nathan

I’m a Manager in the Creative division, with a diverse portfolio of clients in the worlds of music and entertainment, including bands, musicians, music managers and producers, together with record labels and social media influencers.

I specialise in business management and tour accounting, which can involve a variety of challenges. As I’ve spent my whole career at SRLV, my clients can be confident that I have a wealth of experience and specialist industry knowledge to tackle any and every aspect of their business. With fast-paced lives, my clients need me to respond swiftly to any queries, and always be one step ahead, identifying any issues which will require in-depth solutions.

Whether I’m advising an individual client or a business, my goal is to work closely with them and create a partnership, helping them to achieve their long-term ambitions and maximise their success. By forging relationships based on trust and openness, we act as a valuable sounding board for clients. My team and I become integral to day-to-day running and decision-making.

By forging relationships based on trust and openness, we act as a valuable sounding board for clients. My team and I become integral to day-to-day running and decision-making.

Nathan Quilty | Manager

My Desert Island Picks

  • Album

    St. Jude - Courteeners

  • Book

    Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien

  • Luxury Item

    A bronze statue of Jurgen Klopp